Nastavljamo priču o trendovima za proleće/leto 2012. U jednom od prošlih postova
(OVDE) bilo je reči o 5 modnih trendova koji nas čekaju u sezoni proleće/leto 2012, a sada ćemo dodati još 5 trendova.
We continue the story of the trends for Spring/Summer 2012. In one of the previous posts (HERE) was words about five fashion trends that await us in the season Spring/Summer 2012, and now we can add another five trends.
6. Životinjske šare
Prva asocijacija kada se kaže animal print uglavnom je leopard print - šara koju volimo i mrzimo, koja je privlačna, ali već dugo je tu sa nama. Međutim neki dizajneri ne žele da je izbace iz svojih kolekcija, odnosno sa liste trendi stvari. Sada leopard print nije jedini predstavnik ovog trenda. Pored njega i njegovih varijanti u raznim bojama, možemo primetiti i zmijsku šaru, krokodilsku, guštersku, pa čak su tu i prite i mačke.
6. Animal prints
When someone says ‘animal print’ the first thing that comes to our mind is the leopard – the print we love and hate, it’s appealing but it’s been too long with us already. However, some designers still choose it for their collections. Now leopard print is not that one we’re used to. It comes in a variety of colors and the print itself has become smaller and more delicate. Along with leopard we see snakeskin and crocodile skin but other patterns are even trendier – those featuring lizards, cats and birds.
7. Crno-belo
Iskreno, ovo je trend koji je moj favorit godinama. Pored njega i nekoliko pari dobrih cipela, meni ne treba više ništa. Crno - beli tonovi su najveća tradicionalna kombinacija boja za formalnu garderobu i prilike. Moram priznati da ove boje ne ispoljavaju veliku maštovitost, ali ove godine dizajneri su se pobrinuli i za to. Crno - beli komadi bilu su razigrani, elegantni i šik. Devojke na pistama nosile su ženstvene koktel haljine, providne haljine, kožna odela sa sexy bluzama, a sve to u kombinaciji crne i bele boje.
7. Black-and-white
While black and white tones are the most traditional combination of colors for formal clothing, which isn’t normally very original in design, in the new season everything is going to be different. Black-and-white pieces on the runway were playful, stylish and chic. Girls paraded in feminine cocktail dresses, translucent gowns, leather suits teamed with sexy blouses, etc.
8. Čamac izraz
Uprkos činjenici da čamac izraz ne pokazuje na najbolji način lepotu ramena, dizajneri su se ipak odlučili da ga uvrste u svoje kolekcije. Za svečanije prilike ponuđena je stidljivija verzija ovog trenda, ali zato za svakodnevna dešavanja tu je čamac izraz koji možete podešavati koliko vi želite da bude otvoren ili ne.
8. Boat neck
Despite the fact boat neckline doesn’t show your cleavage to its best it does demonstrate the beauty of your shoulders. For formal occasions designers offer more demure versions of this trend but for casual garments neckline can go as deep as you wish.
9. Providna garderoba
Trend providne garderobe potpuno oživljava u sezoni proleće/leto 2012. Nošenje ovakve graderobe nije više samo smeo potez, kao što je nekada to bilo, sada je ono hit. Ovaj trend je veoma seksi i erotski, a zajedno sa njim ide i čipka, dekolte, šlic.
9. Boudoir fashion
Boudoir fashion has had a revival for Spring/ Summer 2012 fashion season. It isn’t as daring as it used to be but is still very sexy and erotic. Sheer slinky fabrics, lace trimming, ruffles and revealing necklines and splits – all these will be really trendy.
10. Sjaj
Ako želite da budete u centru pažnje i uvek primećeni, ovaj trend je savršen za vas. Haljine, jakne, bluze, pantalon, cipele, jednostavno svi komadi garderobe u sezoni proleće/leto 2012 biće u sjajnim bojama. Srebrno, zlatno, smaragdno, električno plavo, sve ove boje dolaze sa sjajem i šljokicama, a vi samo izaberite koja je vaša sjajna boja.
10. Chic gloss
Want to be in the center of attention? Go for a chic gloss trend! Dresses, jackets, blouses, trousers, shoes – all articles of clothing in glossy colors are to be great hits in Spring/ Summer 2012 season. Silver, gold, emerald, electric blue and a variety of other colors come glitzy. You just need to decide which tone is yours.
Biće nastavljeno... / To be continued...