Stigao je i treći deo priče o tome šta nas to očekuje u sezoni proleće/leto 2012. Novih 5 trendova, tako da za sada imao na broju njih 15 ( prethodnih 10 možete naći
OVDE). Nadam se da ćete pronaći neki koji je baš po vašem ukusu, a ako i ne, ne briniti ostalo je da pređemo još 5 trendova, koji će se naće u četvrtom delu.
The third part of the story about what can we expect in the season spring / summer 2012. is arrived. 5 new trends, so for now they had the number 15 (the last 10 can be found HERE and HERE). I hope you find one that's just the way you like, and if not don't worry the rest is yet to cross the 5 trends that will be the find in Part IV.
11. Sečena ramena
Ne zna se tačno ko je prvi kreirao sečena ramena, ali hvala mu na tome jer su ovakva ramena odlična. Ona potpuni outfit čine opuštenim i zavodljivim.
11. Cold shoulders
We don’t remember who invented the cold shoulder but we should say ‘thank you’ to him as these shoulders are amazing. They make the entire outfit look relaxed and seductive.
12. Rese
Rese nisu bile prisutne u svim kolekcijama za proleće/leto 2012, ali tamo gde su se pojavile izgledale su fantastično. Zato razmislite da dodate po koji komad garderoba sa resama u vaš orman.
12. Fringe
Fringe wasn’t in every Spring/ Summer 2012 collection but where it was it looked fantastic. Think of a good way of adding it to your wardrobe.
13. Čipkane haljine
Čipka je i dalje veoma popularna. Međutim, za razliku od prethodnih sezona, ove sozone čipka je prisutna samo na haljinama, a ne na svih komadima garderobe. Haljine se uglavnom u potpunosti od čipke i naravno izgledaju prelepo i veoma elegantno.
13. Lace dresses
Lace is still very hot. But if in previous seasons it was on every item now it is mostly on dresses, to be precise dresses are totally made of it. Of course, it looks beautiful.
14. Jedno rame
Ovaj trend mogli smo da vidimo i u nekim primerima iz sezone jesen/zima 2011/2012, ali ono što je bitnije, garderoba na jedno rame ostaje u trendu i ove proleće/leto sezone. Dizajneri ne samo što su ostali verni ovom trendu, već su ga i upotpunili naborima, vezom, kristalima.
14. One shoulder
We have seen just a few examples of one-shoulder look in Fall/ Winter 2011/ 2012 collections but now it’s trendy again. Designers don’t only drape it they beautify it with pleats, embroidery and crystals.
15. Karneri na struku ili kukovima
Ovaj trend se moga videti na mnogim haljinama koje su poznate dame prošetale crvenim tepisima, ali isto tako i na modnim pistama gde je bilo i haljina i pantalona i suknji sa ovim trendom, odnosno karnerima. Ovo je lep i zanimljiv trend, ali ima i svoje mane. On se preporučuje mršavim osobama, kojima i malo širenja u kukovima ne bi škodilo, dok osobe sa jačim kukovima ovaj trend treba da izbegavaju.
15. Peplum
Peplums have been seen a lot on the red carpet before, and now there are many of them on the runway featured on dresses, skirts, and trousers. Peplums look lovely but there is a problem with them as well. They add volume to your hips. It is all right if you are slim and don’t mind a little extra puff in that part of your body. In case you consider it a problem area peplums are to be avoided.
Biće nastavljeno... / To be continued...