Ne znam za vas, ali ja jako volim kožne pantalone i kada samo pomislim na njih javi mi se hiljadu ideja uz šta ih sve mogu iskombinovati. Naravno nisu loše ni kožne helanke, pogotovo kada vam se, kao i meni, desi da su vam vaše omiljene kožne pantalone postale velike jer ste smršali. Tada super zamena mogu biti i helanke.
I don't know about you, but I really like the leather pants and when I think of them I have a thousand ideas to what can combine them. Of course, leather leggings is great too, especially if your favorite leather pants become large.
I don't know about you, but I really like the leather pants and when I think of them I have a thousand ideas to what can combine them. Of course, leather leggings is great too, especially if your favorite leather pants become large.
Evo ovde nekih predloga kako nositi kožne pantalone, ali i helanke, nadam se da će vam se svideti.
Well here are some suggestions how to wear leather pants, and tights, I hope you will like it.
Evo i mene u mojim kožnim pantalonama - dok su mi bile taman. :)
Here's me in my leather pants.
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